What are Community Points?To earn shares in the Community Participation Bonus Pool, you need community points. Community points are a rough measurement of how much contribution you have made towards the BizOppers community.
This is BizOppers
To gain community points, make new connections and interact positively with other BizOppers members. Have fun! Some actions will earn you community points, while others will allow you to 'spend' them:

receive a 'Like' vote - New! +2 (+1 to voter)
question is voted up +5 per vote
answer is voted up +10 per vote
video is voted up +5 per vote
question/answer/video is voted down -2 (-1 to voter)
post a testimonial (if accepted) video +100
text +50
win community chest
(you get a small chance of this every time you vote or interact positively with others)
between 5 - 100
post a message with a link/URL in it Spend 1 point
Each user can cast up to 20 votes per day for Questions and Answers, and 'Like' up to 50 activities per day. Multiple votes from the same person will only count as one per day.
You can earn a maximum of 200 community points per day (community chests are immune to this limit). Also, there are sometimes special competitions which will allow you to earn more.
Remember, members are rewarded for interacting positively with other BizOppers members. It's important that you don't participate in any unwelcome activities such as spamming, flaming, or trying to cheat the system as this will make you lose community points and even get your account deleted. The use of automated software is strictly prohibited on BizOppers and we actively monitor for these. So please understand the rules and enjoy all that BizOppers has to offer!

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